Wedding photos at the chateau

coat of arms of the chateau for wedding photos
Just like some video makers at the chateau, talented photographers have captured the wedding moment while flattering the setting. For it is not always easy to see beautiful wedding photos at the chateau and to find on them the multiple backdrops of the site. These third art artists sometimes think of sharing their works with us with the consent of the married couples. Thus, let us introduce below, in two galleries, wedding pictures outside and some indoors. A pictorial testimony through chateau event and wedding venue photos.

Outdoor wedding reception photos

wedding shot while cocktail

international wedding
in Vallery

French wedding destination

wedding destination
at night

bridesmaids in park of the chateau

summer wedding
in the grounds

the bride and groom at the swimming pool of the chateau

wedding reception
around the pool

Les Prémices caterer in the clearing

cocktail party
in the forest clearing

fireworks for a wedding

show in the
park of the chateau

bride in palm grove pool

before the wedding
at the palm grove

Jewish wedding under the 7-trunk sycamore tree

wedding ceremony
in the grounds

the wing of the Renaissance castle

Renaissance chateau
in the summer

chateau for wedding close to Paris

weddings at the chateau
1h from Paris

cocktail in the chateau grounds

cocktail in the
hanging gardens

destination de mariage international

After dinner
by night

garden party

international wedding
in the gardens

wedding venue, Paris area

rental of wedding
venue in France

hanging gardens of Château de Vallery

hanging gardens
Château de Vallery

Château de Vallery formerly Château des Condé

Château de Vallery
grounds and gardens

lasers light the Renaissance facade of the chateau

lasers light
the facade

wedding cake arrival in the grounds of the chateau, between Paris and Burgundy

a night at the chateau
(wedding cake)

In Vallery, there may be times for contemplation in perfect harmony with nature. The 7-trunk sycamore, formerly known as the tree of meditation, remembers a flowered huppah dangling in the shade of its celestial branches one sunny afternoon, like an ephemeral canopy.
Dazzling, dizzying and ephemeral actors take center stage here all year round for your wedding pictures. They bud and bloom, harboring the colors and the fragrances of lily, fig, dog rose, clematis, lavender, laurel, honeysuckle, jasmine and hollyhock, and roses from Damascus, Cyprus and Marrakech.
Château de Vallery yew-tree park

deserts in the
yew-tree park

one of the best places to get married

one of the best places
to get married

the chateau hosts weddings one hour from Paris

chateau hosts weddings
one hour from Paris

Château de Vallery : the dovecot

Château de Vallery
the dovecot

the bride under the shower at the pool of the chateau

pool on the eve
of the wedding

wedding venue even during winter

wedding venue
even for winter

snowly Château de Vallery for winter weddings

Château de Vallery
during winter

arbour and chateau for exclusive wedding rental

hanging gardens
for wedding rental

fireworks at the chateau for a wedding

fireworks at the
chateau for a wedding

Renaissance facade of the chateau

Renaissance facade
of the chateau

Renaissance facade detail

lighting of the
chateau main façade

laser show in the grounds for a wedding

laser show
in the grounds

illuminated park after dinner

illuminated park
after dinner

rose garden for a Jewish wedding ceremony

rose garden for a
Jewish wedding ceremony

fireworks for a wedding reception at the chateau

fireworks for a
wedding reception

back of the church with vintage car

back of the church
with a vintage car

bridegrooms swing in the grounds before the wedding

swing in the
grounds of the chateau

romantic winter wedding at the chateau

the pool for
a winter wedding

There are many such "green theatres" here to soothe the soul, such as the leafy rose garden, the orchard harbouring two caryatids in stone and moss, a clearing at Buddha’s feet, and the shade of a four-hundred-year-old oak tree.
In this rose garden, the scene of so many wedding photos at the chateau, vines tangle and snake beneath the conniving gaze of Bacchus. Crystal waters gurgle skittishly out of his mouth to flow from pool to pool.
getting married in Vallery - France

getting married in
Vallery - France

ask a planner for your wedding at the chateau

wedding of fire
in the grounds

romantic wedding vows in the rose garden

wedding planner
Vallery, rose garden

wedding cake arrival in the grounds of Château de Vallery

wedding cake arrival
in the grounds

horsemen ride in the park

horsemen ride
in the park

the old medieval walls

the old medieval
walls of Vallery

Renaissance chateau and pool

Renaissance chateau
and pool

the chateau's swimming pool before a wedding

pool before
a wedding

arbour close to the large reception halls

the arbour of
Château de Vallery

grounds of the estate

the grounds
in spring

the big chestnut in the grounds

the big chestnut
in the grounds

the Grande Galerie and facade Renaissance shooted from outdoor

Galerie and
Renaissance facade

the pool close to the oriental pavilion

the Grand Bassin
(the pool)

rope-dancer for a wedding at the chateau

rope dancer
over a wedding

fireworks for weddings at Château de Vallery

fireworks at
the chateau

wedding cake after a light show

wedding cake
in the grounds

bridegrooms in their wedding car look fireworks

bride and groom
and their wedding fire

The rose garden stands on the very spot where the old tithe barn used to be, and has inherited its walls. The fascination exerted by walled gardens dates back to medieval times. The trelliswork in the arched gallery has long since disappeared, as if strangled by the wisteria. Box and hornbeam set the tone in this green theatre, sculpting the landscape.
Further on stands a string of small gardens known as the Arbor. Each one is a masterpiece dotted with sculptures and proudly sporting parterres of camellias, rhododendrons, azaleas and hydrangeas. It is pleasant to stroll among fragrant plants born of the heath. This is the scene of many photo shoots at the chateau.
wedding pictures Château de Vallery

Indoor wedding photos at the chateau

Music Rooms of Château de Vallery

Cymbeline wedding
dresses collection

a wedding at Château de Vallery

wedding dance
in the gallery

bride and wedding in a reception room

the bride
in the lounge

bridal suite stairway

bride in the

flowered canopy in the gallery

Jewish wedding at
the chateau

bride in a wedding reception hall

Salle des Tentures
bride and sofa

chateau's private lounge

wedding at
Château de Vallery

wedding ceremony in the church of Vallery

wedding ceremony
Vallery church

wedding in the chateau's park

first dance
in the park

bar mitzvah at the chateau

bar mitzvah at
the chateau

wedding reception in the music room

reception hall
of the chateau

grande galerie one of the best places to get married

grande galerie, a place
to get married

A "celebration" captures all the quivering gold of the night, freedom, wine, beautiful dresses, passion, the arts and unknown savours, the smell of wax, lily and rose, celestial music and tribal rythms. As this celebration, your wedding pictures will capture the promise of the dawn and a little of our soul, dizzied to feel lost in this maze of fascination.
After being plunged into oblivion for centuries, the château is sparkling once again late into the night, exalted by this unexpected rebirth thanks to renovations and embellishments. The chateau dedicates its fine new reputation to the photographers and videomen and other artists who immortalized him beneath the star-studded Burgundy sky.
grande galerie by day

a part of
the gallery

Dovecot bridal suite for weddings

bridal suite
at the Dovecot

Dovecote mezzanine for your wedding

bride and groom
in the mezzanine

wedding accommodation, second floor of Renaissance chateau

wedding accommodation
Grand Condé bedroom

cellars of a romantic wedding chateau

cellars of a romantic
wedding chateau

Charlotte de Montmorency bedroom

bridal suite
Charlotte de M.

Ducs bathroom, medieval chateau

Ducs bathroom,
medieval chateau

round bathtub of the chateau dovecot

bride before
her wedding

young harpist in the Grande Galerie

music and coktail
for a wedding

piano lesson in the large hall

music in the
Grande Galerie

bridegrooms in the Music Room

the Music Room
Château de Vallery

romantic wedding vows in the Grande Galerie

wedding ceremony
in the reception hall

When evening falls, everything at Vallery seems to float in shades of grey and gold: from the Rose Garden beneath the ramparts to the grounds dazzling in the flames of a thousand torches. Later, when night is not quite night but the sun is still hiding below the horizon, the last notes of music fade beneath the vaulted ceiling of the Grande Galerie.
So perhaps your wedding photos at the chateau will soon adorn this page. Perhaps it will be you and your guests who will enchant the galleries of this site. It is the wish of Vallery and its "fabulous team" who will have the pleasure of relaying your wedding pictures here.
cocktail party in the Grande Galerie

wedding cocktail
in the chateau

flowery large room before a wedding

Grande Galerie
of the castle

medieval cellars set for a wine tasting

wine tasting
vaulted cellas

find Vallery and get married in France

dance in the
Grande Galerie

Salle des Tentures set for dinner

one of the large
dinning rooms

Henna ceremony in the oriental pavilion

oriental pavilion
of the chateau

Music Room set for a wedding reception

indian wedding
at the music room

a romantic wedding destination in France

Château de Vallery
reception room

from Nirvana window (palm grove)

Nirvana bedroom
chateau's palmgrove

the Music Room for weddings at the chateau

Music Room
for weddings

Then, as if by magic, silhouettes and ochres appear, sketched out by a play of awaking shadows, stretching, immense. If one consents to fall under the spell, to leave all certitudes behind, to become detached from any culture, one has a chance of experiencing change from within and leaving this citadel steeped in an exquisite serenity.
May these flames continue to burn and this spirit to reign! May this land resonating with the sound of galloping knights live on! It seems moved by the vows of today’s young lovers. Time stands still here, losing itself in the unfathomable and marvellous maze of our emotions. Elsewhere it would take flight...
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large reception halls
call directly Château de Vallery wedding venue information